[EU Holidays] Turkey Day 0

17 December 2013

We wanted to go someplace far, someplace exotic and someplace that will not burn too big a hole in our already holed pockets.


So Turkey it is!


After an enjoyable honeymoon with EU Holidays, we decided to go for their package again.


There were 2 similar packages available: let's call them 'Emirates' and 'SIA'.


'Emirates' is $1588+495 (fuel tax); we fly off one day earlier, transit in Dubai and reach Istanbul one night before Day1 of the tour. We also get a 2 night stay at Dubai courtesy of Emirates.


'SIA' is $1488+550; flies direct to Istanbul, landing on the morning of Day1.


For us, the choice was an easy one. Memories of starting the tour upon disembarking were fresh in our minds; plus the many photos that captured our disheveled and grubby looks, in juxtaposition to the beautiful scenes of Paris.


Besides, we were keen to visit Dubai again. Reason: to eat the McDonalds supreme chicken burger. Heh.


And so we chose 'Emirates'.


Our flight was in the morning so we reached the airport before dawn. It's become an annual ritual for us to go plane watching at the viewing gallery before check-in.


Tis the season to be jolly.

Troy comes to Changi Airport.


The boarding call became the source of another of my spontaneous lame jokes. Heard over the PA system: passengers in zung A to zung C, you may proceed for boarding. With a cheeky smile, I turned to the misses and asked: are we boarding a plane or a ship? (Zung = ship in Teochew).



Our last Emirates flight was a pleasant and memorable one. Maybe that set us up for disappointment for it was the opposite this time round.


On the flight from Dubai to Istanbul, there appeared to be a severe lack of service crew. Irate passengers sounded the service chime every few seconds which cause non-irate passengers to become irate.


Dubai skyline.

Over the desert of Dubai.

Sunset against the horizon.


Thirsty and dehydrated, we had to wait 40 mins to finally get a miserably small cup of water. When I asked for a small bottle, the crew said it's the airline policy to not give out bottles to passengers. It was only when I said I was having a fever that she tore off the label on her 1.5 L bottle and handed it to me, quipping that she was bending the rules to accommodate my request.


We touched down night time in Istanbul and was coached to a restaurant for our dinner. By the time food was served, it was already 10pm local time (3am singapore time). I think none of us were really in the state to savour the food.


First meal in Turkey.


But then again, the guide had warned us in a candid manner that the food during the entire trip is pretty much going to suck (sadly it's true). I thought that was a rather shrewd strategy: a disclaimer at the onset to lower expectations and avoid ill feelings.


We checked into our hotel - Double Tree Hilton after dinner. It was already near midnight after washing up. Alarm set at 4.30am to pack and properly clothe for Day 1. Already sleep deprived, the loud cracking/ whipping sounds in the aircon vent woke us up multiple times during the night. That left me with jet-lag and bouts of dizzy spells over the next few days.


First time encountering security scan to enter hotel.


Travel Tips


[In-flight] During long haul flights with transit, request for toothbrush/ paste/ shaving kit to freshen up while in transit.


[In-flight] Before landing in winter destinations, request for your thermal flask to be filled up with hot water. It will come in useful when you step into the cold weather.