Day 5 - New York City, USA

02 June 2012

We set off in the morning to the American Museum of Natural History, made famous by the movie – Night at the Museum. Maybe it was because we visited in the day, there was little adventure: no stampeding T-rexes or irate diorama figures.


Nevertheless, the visit was like revisiting childhood interests: dinosaurs and astronomy.


The Fossil Halls were planted with massive assemblies of fossil bones to recreate the once fearsome creatures like Tyrannosaurus Rex, Brontosaurus, Triceratops etc.



At the Hayden Planetarium, we watched the Journey to the Stars. It is a documentary of the birth of the universe through to its impending fate.



Through the discovery of the chronicles of the night sky, we were humbled by the vastness of the universe and in contrast the insignificance of our galaxy, our star, our planet, us and our troubles.



There were also the surreal dioramas, reconstructing the scenes of ancient civilizations and landscapes.



In the afternoon, we embarked on a walking tour through Midtown Manhattan, starting from the idyllic Central Park.


Emerging from the emerald lawns and lush greenery, we were immediately greeted by the concrete jungle of skyscrapers.



We walked down Fifth Avenue, gazing at the congregation of luxury boutiques and department stores.



There is the elegant glass-clad Apple store which we saw across the road.



Crossing the Fifth Avenue, we arrived at the bronze statue of Atlas (an ancient Greek titan), hoisting the heavens.



We headed towards the soaring GE building which forms the centerpiece of the Rockefeller Center and reached the skating rink. Bordering the rink are ~200 flags of UN member countries billowing in the gusty winds.



We walked down to Bryant Park where children played on the Great Lawn and pedestrians rested on the chairs scattered by the sidewalks. There were also table tennis tables in the park! It must be so cool (literally) to play in the winter air.



Adjacent to the park is the New York Public Library. The marble building is exquisite in white.



On the 3rd storey, the Rose Main Reading Room is stunning. Chandeliers hang from the tall ceilings adorned with dramatic cloud murals and patrons populate the long oak tables, reading by the bronze lamps.



We returned to Times Square for a second visit. This time, we entered the Paramount Building, a 2-dimensional pyramidal structure sporting a four-faced clock and an ornamental glass globe at its crown.



We had dinner at Hard Rock Café where rock memorabilia grace the walls of the restaurant.